Halal Australia is recognised and affiliated with a number of organisations, both locally and internationally, meaning that our certificates and logos carry a reliable guarantee of Halal authenticity.
National level:

1Ummah (Empowering Muslims With Technology)

Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services Halal Consultative committee (AHCC)

Majlisul Ulamaa of Australia Inc

Muslim Community Cooperative Australia Limited

Muslim Aid Australia Limited

Islamic Co-operative Finance Australia Limited

Al-Imdaad Foundation Australia Limited – South Africa based

Forum On Australian Islamic Relations

Quakers Hill Masjid, a project of Al Barakah Welfare Trust Australia

Western Sydney University

Nutrition Australia

Australia Malaysia Business Council – Melbourne based

TAFE NSW – South Western Sydney Institute

Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS), Government of Singapore

MUI, Indonesia (applied – in progress)

Islamic Council of Imams of Canada

SPA Islamguidens HalalCertifiering AB – Sweden

Philippine Halal Fatwa Council

South African National Halal Authority

Swiss Halal Services, Switzerland

Halal India
any questions?
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