FAQ Consumer

How do I know if a product is Halal?

Halal Australia only takes responsibility for verifying that the products it certifies are genuinely Halal. We oversee numerous companies involved in a variety of industries such as food and beverage, abattoir operations, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and healthcare. Please look for the Halal Australia logo on products if you are unsure. You can also directly contact the manufacturer but be cautious, as there could still be some ingredients that they are not aware of as being doubtful and/or Haram. For this reason, ensuring the product is properly Halal certified is ideal for peace of mind. And always remember, if in doubt, do without!

Which ingredients should I avoid?

You should avoid any ingredients that include the following, until you have verified that they are sourced from Halal certified and approved products.
● Animal fat or protein (halal animal, halal slaughtered?)
● Anti-oxidants (animal or plant source?)
● Dairy Products (enzymes/cheese/whey?)
● Emulsifiers (animal or plant source?)
● Enzymes (animal/microbial/plants?)
● Flavoring agents (non halal ingredients?)
● L-Cysteine and other amino acids (source?)
● Gelatin (animals, halal certified?)
● Glycerin (animals or plant?)
● Vitamins (carriers?)

Tips for Halal Shopping

Please follow these guidelines to assess whether a product is Halal for Muslim consumption:
1. Read the ingredients on the label carefully. Ingredients are listed according to the amounts present. The first ingredient listed is present in the largest amount.
2. Identify the Halal/Haram/Mushbooh status of each ingredient using this guide.
3. Search the ingredient name in the list and its status will be next to it.
4. If all ingredients of a product are Halal, the product is fit for Muslim consumption.
5. If any of the ingredients are Haram, the product should not be consumed.
6. If any ingredient falls under Mushbooh category avoid this product, as the Prophet has advised us to avoid doubtful matters. This ingredient could come from a Haram source. To find out the status of this ingredient you should write to or call the manufacturer of the product
Here are some additional tips for eating halal:
1. Make sure that the products you buy have ingredients on their labels. If a product doesn’t have a label with ingredients, DON’T buy it.
2. Always check the ingredients. You might want to print and keep the list of ingredients to avoid. If one of these ingredients is found in a product, don’t buy it until the source has been verified.
3. Don’t buy any meat products from the supermarket. Try to buy all your meat from a reliable Halal meat store.
4. Try to avoid fast-food restaurants. It might be true that some of their products are okay, but it is better to stay away and be safe.
5. If you get a halal/haram list, make sure it is recent. There are many lists in circulation which are outdated and give out incorrect information.
6. Be especially cautious in buying the following products: cheese, cheese flavour chips, cakes, cookies, french fries, candies, soups (may contain meat), sauce (may contain meat), margarine, yogurt, etc.

Do Halal products taste different from non-Halal products?

The process of making a product Halal will never adversely affect the taste or consumer satisfaction and can in fact improve it when properly handled, prepared, stored and delivered. For example, the Halal slaughter of animals is designed to cause the maximum amount of blood loss possible. Under refrigeration, this reduces the chance of food spoilage and is expected to enhance shelf life. For this reason, many consumers prefer the taste and appearance of Halal meat as opposed to other types. With other products, the difference may be subtle or even non-existent.

Is vegetarian or vegan food acceptable as Halal?

Muslims may select vegetarian options when there are no other appropriate Halal choices. However, simply selecting a vegetarian product does not automatically qualify it as Halal due to the likelihood of cross contamination from other meat and/or alcohol products manufactured using the same equipment. Muslims are expected to consume meat products as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

Is Kosher certified food products acceptable as Halal?

Yes it may be acceptable as Halal as long as the organically certified products and ingredients and the manufacturing premises meet the Halal requirements.

Is Gluten free food products acceptable as Halal?

Yes it may be acceptable as Halal as long as the organically certified products and ingredients and the manufacturing premises meet the Halal requirements.

What are the rules of Halal slaughter according to Islamic Principles?

a) A professionally trained slaughterman must invoke the name of Allah (God) upon the animal immediately prior to slaughter, preferably facing towards the holy Kaaba located in Mecca.
b) The animals must be free from any disease and must not be beaten or dragged to the point of slaughtering.
c) The knife used for slaughtering must be extremely sharp so that the animal suffers minimal agony ( as advised by the Prophet Muhammad () ) and that the slaughter takes place efficiently and easily.
d) At the time of slaughter at least three of the following arteries should be cut:
1. trachea (windpipe)
2. esophagus (gullet)
3. both jugular veins for a proper bleeding;
And the act must not be carried out in front of other animals.
e) The cut must be conducted manually (i.e. by hand) and carried out swiftly. The knife must not be lifted before the cut is complete and the cut must be below the Adam’s apple.
f) It is strongly advised that the neck of the animals should neither be cut off completely nor broken, thus avoiding the severance of the spinal cord. The animals are left on their sides to die completely, prior to further processing to avoid any further pain or suffering.

Apply For Halal Certification: Apply here